Doing the big lap? You will be sure to be staying in some caravan parks along the way. The larger chains of caravan parks offer some pretty attractive loyalty clubs. These clubs cost a small fee to join but can pay themselves off easily if you are regularly staying in the brand of park. Below are the major ones and a brief summary of the cost and savings each offer.
Big 4
I’m sure you’ve at least seen a big 4 holiday park. They are often quite elaborate with water parks and large pools. There are more than 180 parks around Australia. A Big 4 Loyalty club costs $50 for 2 years ($40 for 2 years on renewal) and the main bonus is that you get 10% off your stays up to $50. This basically means that if you spend over about 2 weeks at a big 4 in 2 years that this membership will pay for itself. More details on the big 4 website:
G’DAY Rewards
In early 2018 the old Top Parks and Discovery Parks joined forces to produce G’Day rewards. That’s good news because this program now covers 250+ parks! It’s $40 to join and you get 2 years of membership for this price. Giving you 10% off your stays it would pay itself off in a similar amount of time to Big 4 (2 weeks, give or take). More details can be found here:
Family Parks
10% off every stay up to $20 on sites and $40 on cabins. Costs $40 so you will need to be staying at least 2 stays of approx a week each. More details here:
KUI Parks
You may not have heard of KUI parks. They are generally smaller owner run parks, these parks are generally cheaper options. They have 85+ parks around Australia. Like other memberships they offer 10% discount to a maximum of $30 per stay. Again a roughly a 2 week stay and you would have paid for the membership fee which for 24 months is $28. More details here: